About the Designer
Name: Saturn
Pronouns: he/him
(see gender hoard)
Wise and Powerful Wizard
Hi! I'm Saturn. I am a scenic and lighting designer by trade, and am obviously very passionate about theatre. Though, what you might notice is that I am probably one of the most uncultured theatre people out there. I hardly watch shows that I'm not working on or keep up with the Tony's or what have you.
What I do care about, however, is the artistry that goes into making a theatrical performance. It is such a fascinating process to me and I've dedicated my career to studying it, in a way. I would say that theatre creatives work like a well-oiled machine, however it is much more like a convoluted and rickety Rube-Goldberg conraption of nonsense that, when looked upon from one specific angle, manages to make a picture for two some odd hours.
But enough about theatre! Who am I? That is such a good question.